Viewing Grant Proposal: Consumers Energy_Altec EV Bucket Truck and Fast Charger

With the goal of reducing CO2 emissions from its internal fleet, the proposed project consists of the acquisition of one fully electric Altec eMV TA60 bucket truck and an Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) Direct Current Fast Charger, and associated cable management system required to support a full electric bucket truck deployment at the Consumers Energy location in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
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Comment Date: Comment:
4/12/2024 11:39:57 AM
I am against providing Consumers Energy additional public funding. They have one of the largest budgets for energy efficiency and renewable energy - with considerable overhead costs. As a leader in energy efficiency and renewable energy, I feel it is inappropriate for MPSC to provide them grant funding, especially considering the amount of unmet needs and funding of DAC projects.
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